Our year is off to a spectacular start. Like most of us teachers always say, we forget how tiring the beginning of the school year can be.
I ended up with just a straight second grade this year. The numbers kept on growing, so another first grade teacher was hired. That's a wonderful thing. We have been looking for student numbers to grow in our small rural school district.
The kids have been getting to know each other and becoming quite the experts at the "Read to Self" rotation of The Daily 5. It sure helps that most of the students were familiar with The Daily 5 from last year.
I have also been trying to use The Daily 5 Concept in math too. We learned some new math games and problem solving this week. The headings we are using are Strategy Games, Fact Games, Numbers Games, Problem Solving, and Paper and Pencil. Poison seems the most popular game so far. All it requires is 13 of some kind of object. The students take turns taking 1, 2, or 3 blocks. The last block left is poison. I love hearing how the kids are learning to be very strategic with this simple game.
I would like to intoduce a few more games tomorrow that require dominos. Oh yes, the mystery disappearance of all my dominos. I'm sure I'll find them after I need them. Thank goodness for wonderful, sharing colleagues.:)
Tomorrow is Friday, and I am looking forward to teaching the students about "Good Fit" books. I've seen the lesson done with different sized clothing or with a variety of shoes. I usually incorporate the shoes in one way or another. Choosing "Good Fit" books takes a lot of practice. Usually the struggling reader will try to stuff a bunch of chapter books into their book box too.
Like I said, we will be practicing our reading skills A LOT this year!!!
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