Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Is There Enough Time?

Lately, there just doesn't seem to be enough time to take care of everything that needs to be done.  This is where organization and priorities come into play.  I must admit, I am very poor at prioritizing events.  As a person who is quite middle brained, I am distracted often. lol  Thank goodness I have a lovely husband who loves to organize. 
Anyway, I have learned to appreciate myself for being middle-brained.  For, I believe this allows me to be the best teacher I can be.  It really helps bring out the creative side in me.  I would like to go back to the title, "Learning is Messy."  I can appreciate this.  It doesn't literally mean "messy," but quite the intricate process...like a humongous jigsaw puzzle.  I just had to use the word humongous, for we have recently learned about Word Choice and using colorful words.  We created trash can thesaurus's where garbage can words (poor word choice) were put into the trash can and is posted as a constant reminder of what words to avoid.  Then we  brainstormed more colorful words to use in place of the trash can words.
I was able to import an outline of a trash can and use it interactively with our Mimio.  The kids just loved it.
The next project I need to complete is to finish posting the kids' KidPix Snowmen and their descriptive paragraphs that were taped using the Flip Camera.  Then we are going to try to guess which snowman picture belongs with the description.  It should be a lot of fun!!  I will be using the Voicethread platform to import the videos.  Wish me luck!  I am using Glogster to post all the pictures....I failed to mention that the kids actually saved their Kidpix Snowmen to the district drive!!!!!!  Hurray.  I am so impressed with their ability to try new things.  Way to go my awesome students.

1 comment:

  1. I finished posting all the wonderful Kidpix Snowmen that the students created. Please subscribe to Voicethread for free to guess which snowman goes with the student description. We would love it. Thanks!
