This is the Personal Learning Network I would like to have in place by September. Even though I have a Professional Learning Network already, I can see there are some improvements that I could make. My PLN contains a lot of interaction with many technologists and teachers from around the world on
Twitter. I use it mostly for sharing and learning about new resources for teaching. I do follow a lot of technologists, so I am learning about new technologies and applications for technology daily! I also follow many educators that post blogs. They are easily accessed by using Google Reader. All new blog entries are in one place for me to read! David Warlick gave us some great bloggers to follow too. I would like to follow these bloggers: Will Richardson, Ian Jukes, Steven Downs, and Jenny Levine. Along with that, I would like to focus more on writing, reading, and responding to blogs. I have used my blog as a place for my teaching reflections right now, and up to this point, kept it private...I was the only one who could access it. So, I will be opening my professional blog for all to see and respond to. This is a BIG step for me. For personal reasons, I have kept it private. I also plan to use Delicious, a social bookmarking site, in a different way this fall. So far, it's been used as a place to bookmark sites. However, Mr. Warlick showed us how to use it as a way to access current material posted online. I plan to use Delicious in this efficient way.
I have seen the advantages of blogging with my students, for I've had a
class blog for three years. The students get very excited when they realize they have an audience for their blog entries. We had a
teacher from New Zealand blog to some of the students. This even prompted the students to inquire about New Zealand and share information about where we live. The second grade students also communicate back and forth with each other via our class blog.
I would have to say that my Personal Learning Network in September will be a continued interaction with all my fellow collaborators via Twitter. It will also focus on reading and responding to more blog subscriptions. Time always seems to be a factor for finding time to collaborate with others. I am able to receive my tweets and e-mails on my phone, so that helps. However, my Blackberry Smartphone doesn't always allow me to access the links that are shared from Twitter. Therefore, I am going to allow more time for writing, reading and responding to blogs at home. I am excited to make these changes to enrich my Professional Learning Network!
Thanks to David Warlick for the awesome workshop on PLN's!
Wisconsin Education Innovations